Sunday, December 26, 2010

Even Peregrinators Find a Place of Stillness Sometimes

Warm weather the week before Christmas.

 Preparing trail (week before Christmas).

Christmas Day -- 2010 

 Christmas angel amid winter grass and granite.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I'm not in Texas anymore...

My car got broken into last night, but don't worry, nothing was taken.  I never thought I would be saying this, but thankfully I didn't lock it so the window wasn't broken in.  Unfortunately, Bre, Ben, and several neighbors weren't so lucky and they now have no windows.  On the up side, my concert last night was SO FUN!!!!!!!![these last six are for you Dad]!!!!!!  It was a huge success and I think it was the best we ever played.  A few squeaks here and there, but that was expected.  Finlandia was a crowd favorite and ours as well.  Yall will have to listen to it on youtube, but it is kind of a scary and intimidating piece because of the strong tympanum and winds and the minor key (four stinkin flats!) and we played it so aggressively last night that I think we scared Kasia (KA-sha), our conductor.  I was so into this one part that I almost threw my bow into the stand next to me!  I guess I maybe shouldn't have played the up-bow with that much gusto because I was only holding on by one finger and had to take a whole measure to recover.  Fun times.  I have so much to do before I come home, but I will conquer and hopefully be home on the 11th.  The weather has been relatively warm (hi 45, low 20) and we have had clear skies except for a storm over the La Platas last night, so I am not worried about the winter weather on the drive home. 
I love yall more than Finlandia.


"Happy times are sure to last as long as you throw your belongings at other people and never lock your car."
                                            -anonymous wise person