Monday, March 18, 2013

I Love Weather

      I promise I do leave my room, but the skies and cityscape outside my window are a constant source of wonder and ever changing scenes, and I must take pictures of them.  The other day we had a killer thunderstorm that, in typical thunderstorm fashion, was here and gone almost before I could get pictures of it.  The five o’clock sun lit every raindrop and turned the usually gray city into a glowing haze of gold and sepia. No filter or photoshop necessary.

looking west over the banlieu

      I took a ton of photos but half of them where without a memory card in the camera, so those where pretty useless.  The wind was blowing the rain in such a way that it wasn't coming in my window, which made it the perfect spot to watch the weather.  With windows closed, I couldn't hear the rain or the thunder, but standing there with both windows open, feeling the cold wind, and hearing all of those lovely storm sounds was pretty darn perfect.

      I have yet to figure out what church that is, but I've always liked its shape as it doesn't seem to fit in with the traditional French church models that I'm used to and it is such a contrast to the 60's era apartment buildings around it.  

My intersection looking all shiny and antique 

      These two pictures where taken 2:03 minutes apart and are a testament to the speed at which the storm passed over.  I looked down to change a setting on my camera and then looked back up again to see blue skies and a return normal Paris colors.  I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with the Tour Montparnasse (tall rectangular thing) which just seems so out of place in a city like this; however, it does help give a sense of distance and scale.  I just know that the property value of someone somewhere went down drastically because they built a high-rise directly in front of their view of the Eiffel Tower.  I guess I got pretty lucky.

      The rain soon dissipated as the wind blew the clouds away but there was a bit of time where it was raining where I was but sunny and clear all to the west.  Then all the rain stopped, the wind slowed, and the lowering light formed yet another neon hued sunset that I purposefully didn't take pictures of.  So, here is an entire post dedicated to a ten minute storm which only goes to prove that I am more weather nerdy than thought before.  What can I say, I love weather.

-Kate Alice

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hypotheses on Blog Absence

      Well, I'm sorry it's been so long since I've blogged.  It is not that I have stopped living or seeing and experiencing great and wonderful things.  For these past few days I've been trying to think of why it is that I haven't been keeping yall updated on every small facet of my days here.  I have thus come up with four hypotheses.
      One, I miss seeing and talking to you all to a high degree, blogging acknowledges this absence, and thus, to not blog is to ignore the absence and pretend that I just saw you yesterday and have already updated you on my life.  When in doubt, just put your head in the sand.  It's always better that way.

random photo of library at the Chateau de Fontainbleu 

      Two, I have settled into my Parisian lifestyle, and it all feels quite normal to me.  Why would I write lengthy and descriptive blogs about normal things?  A twenty minute metro ride at midnight listening to a bass player busking up and down the car after spending the evening at the theater watching a play by Moliere?  Normal.  Drinking seven cups of very strong coffee in one day so as to not fall asleep while researching Matisse's thought process in the creation of his Nu de Dos series in relation to his knowledge of Rodin's Walking Man, Trois Baigneuses by Cezanne, and Nu de dos aux bras leves by Picasso?  Normal.  Sampling roughly twenty-five different kinds of cheeses in the course of three hours at the Salon d'Agriculture while petting the animals whose milk was used to make them?  Normal.  Sipping black sesame bubble tea while walking down the cobblestone pedestrian street lined with cherry trees in full bloom in my little quartier chinois?  Normal.  Dancing in my room every hour on the hour to celebrate my love for Balkan folk music, Bob Dylan, and Bombs Over Baghdad while the Eiffel tower sparkles behind me for five minutes?  Best. Study break. Ever.  All this to say, I've made myself at home here and thus blogging doesn't feel necessary.

 killer sunsets aren't just for Texas

      Three, I'm super lazy for things that do not have an impending due date or promise of a cookie.  Why do today what you could put off till your next reincarnation?  If I were a Hindu or a Jain I would get absolutely nothing done.  
      Four, I've been spending so much of my time writing essays, preparing presentations, reading stuff, and doing conjugations worksheets (the ones with impending due dates) that at the end of the day having to string words together into a logical bit just takes too much energy.  I never knew that extensive use of your brain could make you so physically tired.  Just two hours of trying to understand and translate Diderot yapping on about the Salon of 1765 drains a shocking amount of energy, and I would prefer to spend the remainder of what is left doing something that is not in front of a computer screen.

city smog makes for amazing evening skyscapes of which I have way too many photos

      Of these four hypotheses in relation to my lack of blog content, I'm going to have to admit that number three is the most likely.  What can I say?  My computer doesn't have a deadline or spit out cookies through the CD slot.  If you really want to know what I've been up to, drink two cups of the strongest coffee possible, Sharpie out half the words on a page of a Shakespeare play and then write an essay about the page for an hour, climb into your dryer and set on low tumble to simulate the metro at rush hour, and then crank up my favorite Outkast song mentioned above and crazy dance with a string of Christmas lights flashing behind you.  Yup, that should do it :)  It's a sometimes stressful and hectic life, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

yup, here's another one

      I've thus spent this whole blog explaining why I haven't been blogging, and now I must get back to my research paper due tomorrow, so I don't have time to write an actual blog...chicken/egg.  I love and miss you all dearly.  Happy Spring!
-Kate Alice

Oh, what's that?  Did I hear you say you wanted yet another sunset photo?  My pleasure.