Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Brief Thoughts

Hello All,
Because I am tired, here is how I am doing in bullet point form.
- I went to the doctor this morning.
- I have vertigo "officially".
- My doctor was so great.
- My doctor's parents live in Horseshoe Bay.
- What a coincidence.
- It did not snow last night.
- I got the second envelope today.
- I managed to get to the post office and mail off all of my reference letter stuff!
- I now only have two short rather unimportant essays left and one big important essay left.
- I am jumping up and down inside.
- If I jumped up and down on the outside I might fall over.
- Just kidding.
- Kind of.
- Bought brussels sprouts for the first time today.
- Asparagus was on sale.
- I lost the book of stamps I just bought.
- The clinic up here had my blood work back and called me within 2.5 hours.
- I have been quite impressed with the clinic up here so far.
- I love yall much.

- Kate

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dad, You are FIRED!

The mouse crawled into my bed. I screamed.

I knocked it to the floor. It ran onto my sticky trap. I got my broom stuck on the sticky trap stuck on the mouse.

I ran outside with my broom and my sticky trap and knocked on my neighbor's door. It turns out that marijuana guy's girlfriend was the only one there. She went and got hard-rock drunk dude who took my broom, my trap, and my mouse to the woods. He removed the mouse from the trap. Minimal fur was lost. The mouse ran off. I threw away my sticky trap. I told rock-dude that he was my hero. He again offered me a beer. I told him that it sounded tempting but that I was going to go to bed.

I am now about to lay down and attempt to go to sleep with wii player guy banging on my ceiling, rock dude and co. raising the roof, and the memory of my mouse.

I love you all. I think I will now make it through the night alive.


A Day to Remember

Hello My Partners in Anti-Micing and Preservation of Sanity Club,

Though you have each had the pleasure of a personalized version of my m---e story, I am hoping that a written debriefing will bring me a step closer to recovering from the trauma.

While studying fluorescing jelly-fish and stained L8 m---e-fibroblast cells, sipping on some green tea at my faithful post, I felt something on my right leg. I casually shook my leg and out falls a m---e. This means it had to have crawled across my precious Plush-eez slipper, under my favorite paint-splattered faded flare-leg jeans, to reach my right lower extremity. So, when the m---e fell onto the floor, it scurried behind my desk, behind my bookshelf, across my rug, to take refuge behind my backpack. Alarmed by my continuing screaming, it dashed to safety somewhere in the kitchen. It haunted me for the next several minutes with soft noises of scurrying.

When at the verge of emotional breakdown, I called dad to recover my wits. He comforted me by reminding me that m--e are not carnivores, asking me if I have shaved my legs recently, recommending I purchase a trap, telling me that m--e are cute and fuzzy and sweet, and assuring me that it would not make the trek up into my bed. After this enlightening conversation, I called my dear friend Natalie, hoping for some more sympathy. I was dissappointed to hear that she in fact likes m--e, finds them cute and fuzzy and sweet, and has pictures she wants to show me of her pet m---e she had for years, that used to nest in her hair and sleep. I hung up the phone. Finally, I spoke with my supportive sister...or not. Supportive sister reminds me that if the m---e gets stuck on the sticky traps I set out (as a back-up device), I will have to kill it. I told her I would recruit marijuana guy from next door to do that. She went on to say how cute and fuzzy and sweet m--e are. She said to pretend that the m---e is Templeton from Charlotte's Web. The only problem with drawing that connection is that Templeton is a huge r-t. Not helpful. When I got home from the store where I bought two traps, two sticky pads, and rodent poison, I met marijauna man outside my apartment. He asked how I was, and of course I had to tell him about the m---e. He said he has lived here for three years and never seen a m--e. He said if he hears me scream he will not call the police. Nice.

To top things off, I just got a knock on my door from hard-rock dude from across the way who said, reeking of alcohol and lack of showering, "if you want to get away from your m--e, we are having a party, as you can hear, and would love for you to come join us." His friend walks up and says, "yeah, if you want to get away from your m--e...that's disgusting." Agreed, losers. I don't need to be reminded. If the only way that I am going to meet my neighbors is through a stupid m---e, then so be it.

So now, I am going to try to sleep without having nightmares about carnivorous Templeton's.

I love you all and hope that I survive through the night.


To top things off, I just got a knock on my door


Hey All,
Not much has happened today, but I thought I would blog anyways.  For Mom and Dad who may not know yet, the boss who I am not quite fond of was fired the other day in an episode that shocked everybody.  I'm not glad that she was fired, but it is much nicer and calmer with her gone.  Sarah, the manager who took her place, is  one that I really like and she is so encouraging and trusts that you know what you are doing.  This evening I kept checking in with her to make sure that she was fine with what I was doing and every time she reassure me that I didn't need to bother her with such a petty thing.  With the previous manager I would have been severely chastised had I not asked her permission, so it is nice not to have to insult my intelligence every time I go to work.  More work news, this evening I had the nicest chat with an old man who lived for two years on the U.S.S. Lexington, the aircraft carrier that we toured in Corpus Christi with Jill many moons ago.  It was so cool to actually talk to someone who worked on the ship.  He was telling me stories about nearly getting his head taken off by a plane, trying to sleep through storms, and the terrible food.  He was so excited to meet someone who had been on the ship and was thoroughly enjoying being able to tell old war stories.  Oh, the people you meet.  In other news, I made a huge wok full of stir fry for lunch and it turned out exceptionally good.  I also experimented with trying to make caramelized carrots with rosemary and mint, but the spices were old and it was actually quite disgusting.  I ended up tossing it in with the stir fry, so no food was lost :)
Love yall much!


Friday, February 4, 2011


So, this evening my life proved to not be so boring.  Connie, Jill, and I hopped in the car and headed downtown to the Snowdown Bites! light parade.  SO FUN!!!  We screamed and yelled and danced and begged for candy and necklaces for an hour!

Parade Loot

1. Skittles
2. Temporary tattoo (2)
3. Banana flavored Bubble Gum
4. Sour Apple Laffy Taffy
5. Double Bubble 
6. Sour Head Extreme Sour Lemon
7. Lemon flavored Tootsie Roll
8. Super Bubble (2)
9. Anti-smoking Pen
10. Grape Jolly Rancher
11. Slice of American Cheese in the wrapper
12. Banana Laffy Taffy
13. Honey Almond Soap
14. Gudu Pop (2)
15. Blue Super Bola Jaw Breaker
16. Durango Fencing Club voucher 
17. Bubble Gum Ball
18. Sweet Tarts
19. Aaron's Tire Bam-Bams
20. Yellow Super Bola Jaw Breaker
21. Skeleton and gravestone pencil top eraser
22. The Snowdown Sneer newspaper
23. Mardi gras beads in red, orange, and gold [not in photo]
24. Strawberry Kiwi Now-N-Later 

After the parade which included the Southern Ute Festival Royalty, the La Plata 4H, a Sodexo truck (food service business), a flat bed trailer with two stripper poles (strippers included), multiple trucks used to inflate hot air balloons spewing 10-20ft. columns of fire, a unicycle troop dressed as one-eyed monsters, the high school rock band (16 y/o convicted drug offender neighbor included), a group of mutant squids twirling chains  with flaming balls of fire on the ends, a dog dressed as a horse (really?!?), a group of 50-70 y/o ladies dressed as zombies dancing to Michael Jackson's Thriller, yet another group of old ladies dancing as zombie brides, and the awesome giant inner-lit jellyfish that actually looked like jellyfish, we went to East By Southwest for calamari, sushi, spicy coconut milk mushroom soup, and Thai tea with pearls.  We met Jill and her friend (same friend from The Palace evening out) and had a blast getting warm and eating amazing food.  Amazingly enough for such a nice restaurant, we had a delicious dinner with drinks for just $10 each!  I truly wish that all of you could have been there with us.  More good news, I went to the Monster Mash Book Sale at the library and for $7 I picked up 14 books!  Yahoo!
Maggie and Other Stories by Stephen Crane
And No Birds Sang by Farley Mowat
Anna Karenin by Leo Tolstoy
A Whale for The Killing by Farley Mowat
The Snow Walker by Farley Mowat
Never Cry Wolf by Farley Mowat
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Yosemite by John Muir
The Dollmaker by Harriette Arnow [the one they made a sad movie of]
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair 
The Gulag Archepelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Ordeal By Ice by Farley Mowat
The American by Henry James
Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak
So, I am psyched about all of my new reading material, but I really must get to bed.  Good night all and love to everyone.



Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Est-ce que vous allez vous?

We got about 2" of snow last night, so I once again awoke to a world of white.  My application stuff is going very well and I am truly making headway which feels good.  After spending the morning reading and doing application stuff, I spend two hours shoveling snow.  I got a bit carried away on the sidewalks and ended up shoveling all the way to the bottom of the hill and around the corner.  I don't think it got above 10 F today and all of the stuff in my cooler on the back porch froze.  Thankfully I had taken the yogurt out the night before, but my eggs, spinach, and broccoli were not so lucky.  As it turns out, an egg turns into a gelatinous glob when partially frozen.  Connie was worried that I might get food poisoning, but I figure that anything bad was killed in the -8 F weather.  It only seems logical.  On Monday evening, Connie, Jill, Jill's friend, and I all went out to dinner at The Palace using the gift certificate that I got for Christmas.  We totally pigged out on baked brie and sweet potato fries and we still only used about half the card!  I had to leave a bit early to get to orchestra rehearsal, but it was nice to finally have a day off and get some R&R.
2 hours later:

HALLELUJAH!!!  I can't stop smiling!   I love life!  YAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Okay, I should probably explain myself.

So, I just found out a couple of days ago that the colleges that I thought still had my reference letters did not.  This was followed by moaning and gnashing of teeth because I need more than just a reference letter; I have to have official reports from three different teachers on official documents with the official seals.  So, I hastily called three past professors and got two wrong numbers and one that went straight to voice mail.  I waited a nail biting 24 hours and then decided to do the unprofessional and email them.  Well, in the past thirty minutes, I got emails from all three stating that they would love to fill out more paperwork and to just send the necessary stuff.  Two professors even remembered me by my name alone!  I am now on an absolute high and my confidence isn't doing so bad either.  Well, I must go address some envelopes.
Love yall much and wish you as much and more success as I have had today.