Sunday, February 5, 2012

Le Canard en Caoutchouc and other things...

Hello Dear Folks,
        I just found some other photos of Matagorda on my camera that somehow didn't make it onto my computer, so here are a few more.  I do love black and white.    

linear perspective


dried algae 

water bubbles and green algae in small tide pool on the jetty

        It has been a busy but good weekend with many things being crossed out on my to-do list.  Yesterday I had a burst of energy from somewhere, probably my coffee cup, and got a ton of schoolwork done in advance.  I now have all essays written that will be due this week (3) with the exception of two very small 2-3 sentence things for sociology, and completed all of the assignments and readings for Monday and Tuesday.  That means that tomorrow I can do all of Wednesday's work and so forth.  I do love knowing that I don't have to stay up late or get up early before class to cram something in.  I didn't quite get around to the laundry, but my room is enjoying a bit of organized cleanliness for the first time in a while.  
I have been digging through my boxes of photos up here looking for pictures of mon canard en caoutchouc (rubber-ducky) Rodi, because he is going to be my presentation topic in conversation class.  I figure it is just odd enough to be interesting but relatable enough to spark a conversation, we shall see.  
Also, Mom, I know from my phone history that I talked to you the other morning, and I vaguely remember my phone going off.  But, I have absolutely no idea why you called or what we talked about, so I hope my pretty much asleep self was coherent and not too weird; as if that would be a change from the norm :)  
Well, I must get to bed. 
I love yall much.


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Retrospection on Matagorda

         I know it's been a bit since we were in Matagorda, but I figured that in the name of peregrinating, it would be fitting to record it on the blog.  It truly was a great vacation, and I can't imagine it going any better.  Thinking back, even the wind and the cold was enjoyable. 

Evening sun salutations

J'adore mon père et ma mère aussi!

Oh, to be back at the Stanley House...

Flounder on the beach

Thanks again folks!
