Saturday, April 28, 2012

Last Round

Hey Folks,
Only two insane weeks of school left, and I'm trying not to totally freak out or just give up and sleep all day.  In good news though, I am exempt from two of my finals due to my wonderful studiousness so far, so that is an awesome reward.  Unfortunately, my two hardest classes have massive finals that should be made illegal by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to College Students (quick fact: the SPCA was formed years before there were any laws regarding the protection of abused children...little sociology of childhood tidbit).  Right now my only goals are to finish these two big essays that I am working on for Art History and Sociology.  So far a cumulative three pages done out of a required 15...yeah, I know.  Anyways, one is due on Wednesday and the other on Thursday.  The art history one would be so much easier if I knew anything about pointillism or the zillion art movements of the early 1900's, but alas, that just isn't where my knowledge lies.
It feels weird to know that after leaving I won't be back for almost a year and a half.  Thankfully a lot of my friends are going abroad for some time as well, so it's not like I'm the only one that's going to be gone.  Speaking of gone, my mentor finally took a sabbatical.  He had knee surgery in January and really underestimated the length of recovery and the amount of pain it would cause for someone his age.  Honestly he needs to retire as I'm pretty sure he's been teaching at AC longer than you two parents have been alive.  On the good side though, my French professor from last semester that I love so much said "there is nothing [she] would love to do more" when I asked her if she would be my new mentor.  Good times.  We were supposed to go to the opera in Dallas this Sunday to see La Traviata by the awe inspiring Verdi, but both of us had to make the hard call that we just had too much to do to take a whole day off.  I guess that's just the life of an academic.
Well, I'm about due for my second transfusion of caffeine and trip to the library.  I think every student on campus knows that the desk by the corner window is mine, because I have been glued to that seat just about all the time I am not in class.  Yesterday I left my room for class at 8:45am and didn't return until a little after 9pm!  I'm sorry I haven't called in a while, but I will try and touch base either this evening or tomorrow afternoon.
Love yall much :)



Songofjoy said...

"there is nothing [I] would love to do more" than give you a big hug
than learn more French
than help you study for your finals
than celebrate the 2 finals you don't have to take
than be the embarrassing cheerleader who cheers you on to the end of the semester
than go to bed about now
Hee! Hee! Love you [Mo]

Thistlefur said...

This is cool. Seeing it with Kate would be cooler. I am going to make this happen if I have to eat beans for the rest of the year. ;)

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