Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Week 1

       It is truly incredible that I have only been here a week.  I have learned so much and done so much already that I can't even imagine what nine months will be like.  I add at least ten words to my vocabulary each day and about fifty to my listening vocabulary, and there are a whole host of other tidbits that I learn that have nothing to do with the language.  Today I added how to ride the Tram, how to open a bank account, how to choose classes at a French university, where to locate post office boxes, which way to stand to avoid falling over on the bus/tram/metro, and that you can scan your Navigo pass through your purse so that you don't have to take it out every time.  It is crazy those little things that make life so much easier, but that you never think to learn or much less have the opportunity to.
     These last two days haven't been terribly interesting so there is little to blog about.  I've met more nice Parisians and gotten to see my friends which makes me happy.  While we were waiting for our appointments with Mme. Souraqui to make our school schedules, four of us just sat in a room and talked and laughed in stuttering French for an hour and a half.  More good times.  I so love how all of us students are actually serious about learning the language which was something that my language classes back in the U.S. always seemed to lack.  Many times in prior classes, the other people and even myself often felt silly speaking foreign languages, but now it almost feels silly to speak English and when we do it is either in a whisper or to cuss :)
      Any down time that these past two days had will be gone tomorrow as I think it will be my busiest day yet.  The morning consists of more class choosing stuff from 9-12, a quick trip to drop off paperwork at the APA office, a walking tour of Le Marais from 2-4, and an evening concert at 6:30 of Vivaldi's Four Seasons at the Sainte Chapelle.  Add in time for public transportation and a quick change, and I'm not quite sure I can make it everywhere on time!  I have written out which bus/tram/metro line I need to take, so hopefully I read my maps right.  I want to go to Le Marais, but there is absolutely no way that I am missing the best symphony of the year in one of the most beautiful places in the city!  I really can't believe my luck, and you can bet that there will be a long blog the following morning.
    I hope yall are all well at home and be sure to give Monkey C, Mao Kitty, and Tom Cat hugs for me.
Much love,
Kate Alice


Songofjoy said...

Kate, Cannot wait to hear about symphony! Love, Hug, and one of those neck kisses that make you cringe. Hee! Hee! Mo

Kate Alice said...

Well, I'm all dressed up for the symphony...but no Mama to hug :( Miss you too!!!

AKCharlie said...

Gosh,I don't know what I've done. I only wanted to be able to write you a note on here occasionally!

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