Sunday, January 30, 2011


Hello dear parents (Selina knows just about everything thats been going on so...)
Well, as you can guess from the title, not much has been going on lately.  The snow continues to melt.  The sun still shines.  I am still seating tables at The Palace (11 days of work in a row and going for a new record).  I still need to do laundry.  I am still writing admissions essays.  Orchestra continues to be the highlight of every week. My french teacher is still just as crazy and shameless as last semester.  And, I am still in love with Bubba.  If he weren't a dog we would run off to Vegas and get married by an Elvis impersonator dressed in spandex and a bad wig.  So, there you have it.  Yall would be impressed to know that I saved $12.46 at the grocery store the other day by using coupons, and I have even been buying meat to supplement the Ramen and oatmeal!  The annual Snowdown celebration is coming up this week and so Carmen my boss has had us busy putting up decorations to fit this year's theme of Monster Mash.  Through this experience I have realized that I am officially a Decorative Streamer School dropout.  Yeah... not my forte.  I also figured out a solution to practicing violin while not driving my roommates crazy.  With a disassembled coat hanger, some Gorilla Glue, and cheap blue yarn I made a makeshift bow that simulates my real bow but without all of the screeching.  It is just loud enough to where I can hear it, but not loud enough to make the others question their sanity.  Why didn't I think of this earlier?!?  Anyways, I love yall much and wish you were here.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Life Without Selina...

Well, it just isn't as fun.  However, it is good to get back into somewhat of a routine with school and work and the like.  I have yet to clean my room, but my excuse is that I have more important things to do (ie. sleeping, reading, eating, listening to music, walking the dog, relaxing by the fire...).  Work is so far unexciting except for the exceptional number of drunk people that seem to flock to The Palace on Friday nights.  I apparently have gained a new job which involves forcefully shepherding intoxicated groups of people away from reserved tables and placing them as far in the back corner as possible.  However, I think this is only because the servers don't want to have to deal with those difficult folk.  French class is basically the same as last year and we are still in review mode so it is not too hard yet.  The snow continues to melt and is slowly receding every day.  I currently cannot find my phone so...  Also, did I happen to leave my cupcake calendar and an old book behind in my room?  I can't find them anywhere and I have the haunting feeling that they didn't make it out to the car.  Well, I must go write some essays :(  
Love yall much!!!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

KK and NaNa's Adventures

Granola bar hippies heading out for a drive

Our skilled driver

Perched near our car-picnic spot

The two beauties and their new hats

Climbing up a snow bank was Selina's idea

Finally, someone who takes their crackers as seriously as I do.

Sun on the mountains

The photo does not do the sky justice.

My big sis came to stay
We ate good food
And played all day.

We walked Bubba-boo
In snow and ice and cold
And got snow in our shoe!

Laughs were plentiful
Frowns were few
But lets not get too sentimental.

Kate read till her throat was dry
Selina scrubbed dishes every meal
And somehow we parted without a cry.

But now our trip is at an end
With memories many
Plus this lame poem I penned.

-Anonymous person named Kate Hamilton

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sunny Snow

What a lovely day. After a fun and uneventful drive yesterday and eleven hours of sleep, Kate and I awoke to a sunny, snow-covered day. While the younger of the two of us remained unconscious in her sleeping bag with only the top of her head showing, the eldest peered eagerly out the window at the light spreading over the mountains and the valley. The crystallized aspens against a blue sky make me smile. We got up, took showers, and ate Kate's yummy breakfast blend of oatmeal, white grape juice, and grape nuts. It appears that Kate will have all new housemates this semester, not including Marci and her daughter. One addition is a professor of public health, and two of the others are a couple who are mountain guides.

We toted our knitting and journals into Eleanor and headed down to Durango. I am impressed by Kate's winter driving skills and calm demeanor in icy conditions; however, despite her skill and cool, we managed to slide into a snowbank on our descent. She had the option of steering us into a stop sign, a snowbank, or an intersection, and she chose the best option. This event was witnessed by a kind lady with her skis and dog who offered us a shovel from her nearby home, but on the way to retrieve the tool she fell with her skis and landed in such a way that I found it difficult to restrain myself from laughing. She was unharmed. We then had our knight in shining armor stop and tow us out with his truck. I am sure we looked like two pathetic Texans with our shovel and a bag of kitty litter. C'est la vie. Kate handled the event like a champ, and we resumed our journey into town.

We spent several hours at the Steaming Bean, and then stocked up on some healthy groceries. You both would be proud. Kate and I played some Blitz, and then took a walk around her neighborhood. I walked with my mouth open at how beautiful the snow looks falling on the mountains and the way the sun reflects off the trees. My tour guide and I then made hot tea, and are now sitting by a fire.

We be loving you guyses.
