Sunday, January 30, 2011


Hello dear parents (Selina knows just about everything thats been going on so...)
Well, as you can guess from the title, not much has been going on lately.  The snow continues to melt.  The sun still shines.  I am still seating tables at The Palace (11 days of work in a row and going for a new record).  I still need to do laundry.  I am still writing admissions essays.  Orchestra continues to be the highlight of every week. My french teacher is still just as crazy and shameless as last semester.  And, I am still in love with Bubba.  If he weren't a dog we would run off to Vegas and get married by an Elvis impersonator dressed in spandex and a bad wig.  So, there you have it.  Yall would be impressed to know that I saved $12.46 at the grocery store the other day by using coupons, and I have even been buying meat to supplement the Ramen and oatmeal!  The annual Snowdown celebration is coming up this week and so Carmen my boss has had us busy putting up decorations to fit this year's theme of Monster Mash.  Through this experience I have realized that I am officially a Decorative Streamer School dropout.  Yeah... not my forte.  I also figured out a solution to practicing violin while not driving my roommates crazy.  With a disassembled coat hanger, some Gorilla Glue, and cheap blue yarn I made a makeshift bow that simulates my real bow but without all of the screeching.  It is just loud enough to where I can hear it, but not loud enough to make the others question their sanity.  Why didn't I think of this earlier?!?  Anyways, I love yall much and wish you were here.


1 comment:

Papa said...

I hope you are near to finishing your book, because you are one damn good writer, Hubert. Consider a sort of nutty memoir of the home school girl living amid witches, hippies, and crazies in a small Colorado town. . . .

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