Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dad, You are FIRED!

The mouse crawled into my bed. I screamed.

I knocked it to the floor. It ran onto my sticky trap. I got my broom stuck on the sticky trap stuck on the mouse.

I ran outside with my broom and my sticky trap and knocked on my neighbor's door. It turns out that marijuana guy's girlfriend was the only one there. She went and got hard-rock drunk dude who took my broom, my trap, and my mouse to the woods. He removed the mouse from the trap. Minimal fur was lost. The mouse ran off. I threw away my sticky trap. I told rock-dude that he was my hero. He again offered me a beer. I told him that it sounded tempting but that I was going to go to bed.

I am now about to lay down and attempt to go to sleep with wii player guy banging on my ceiling, rock dude and co. raising the roof, and the memory of my mouse.

I love you all. I think I will now make it through the night alive.



Kate Alice said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I can't believe it actually climbed onto your bed! Good thing you had traps out, and thanks to drunk dude, you no longer have to worry about the mouse. Love you!

Songofjoy said...

Oh honey what a nightmare! I really cannot believe it went into your bed! I think you ought to celebrate being mouse-free today and perhaps put it on your calendar to celebrate each year hereafter. May there be peace in your apartment today. All my love and empathy.

Papa said...

. . . one fired papa retreating to a certain creekside to live out the rest of his quiet days in the oak-shade of a hidden canyon . . . .

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