Thursday, March 17, 2011

another good day

This morning I woke up to yet another stunningly beautiful day and decided that it would best be spent outside.  So after returning from class, I packed up my lunch, put on my shoes, and headed over to the Telegraph trail system around 11:00.  For the first hour I followed the main road up the ridge where I was joined by a small handful of mountain bikers and folks with their dogs.  Intent on finding a quiet place to eat my lunch, I veered off and headed down a small trail that led up the valley to the East.  It was not long before I found a smooth flat rock with a view.  It was then that I realized that I hadn't told anyone where I was, so I texted dear ole Dad with the limited reception and battery I had left.  After a relaxing lunch, I headed off once again up the valley.  Unbeknownst to me, the trail curved around and I once again met up with the main trail.  It worked out perfectly, and in the spirit of fresh air and a rocky path ahead, I pumped up the pace and ran the way back to the car.  By this time it was about 3:00 and surprisingly the temperature had dropped about 10 degrees.  After a hot shower, I gussied up and went to the grocery store to pickup some fresh food, and when I came out of the store it was down to about 50.  The afternoon was spent writing letters and doing some embroidery and then came dinner... Yummy!  I have officially discovered the absolute best gluten-free couscous.  It comes in a box with its own seasoning package so it is kind of cheating, but it is the good kind, Mediterranean Curry.  It tastes a like a falafel but better!  Being the little sous chef that I am, I paired it with pan roasted brussel sprouts served with a balsamic vinegar reduction.


 Les Choux de Bruxelles

your's truly...

Love yall gadzooks!


1 comment:

Papa said...

It looks like Durango has been good to you. I know it's not all Easy Street, but seriously, the place appears to have been really good. I'm quite happy to see what new foods have been written onto your menu, too.

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