Saturday, March 19, 2011

apple carving

Since yesterday was a pretty slow ho-hum day and I had nothing to blog about, I thought I would bore you with the adventures of late night apple carving.  It turns out that apples make a great material to practice on because they are hard enough to stay together but soft enough to limit the elbow grease.  I found an old apple in the back of my cupboard last night and thought I would give it a try.  My creation was supposed to be a horse, but its disproportionately large backside, small front legs, and lack of a head (accidentally knocked off with clumsy pinky finger), made it look more like a gorilla.  See for yourself...

And yes, I did color coordinate the candle box with the background.  For scale, it is about 1 1/2 penny's length long and shrinking.  This morning it was a bit rubbery like a dried apple...yummmm?


1 comment:

Papa said...

Look how many cool shrunken heads appear once a bit of apple carving takes place. Google the subject.

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