Wednesday, March 16, 2011

a day on the street

I have had a truly wonderful day and thought I would share it with yall.  Any day started with a bowl of cereal on the front sidewalk has got to be a good one :)  After cleaning my room for about an hour this morning, I hopped in my car and headed downtown with my book and journal in tow.  Due to the fact that it is spring break in Texas and New Mexico, the streets are teeming with tourists; however, this only seems to make it all the more interesting.  We have had blue skies all day and it has been sitting around 70 degrees.  I finally found a place to park in one of the neighborhoods and started out.  I ended up walking up and down Main St. glancing in all of the shops.  I managed to spend a while looking around Animas Trading Co., smelling the candles and trying on all of the bright colored summer scarfs and then stopped into my favorite coffee shop, the Steaming Bean.  With a cup of ice coffee and a slice of biscotti, I took out my favorite purple Sharpie and covered one of their white coffee sleeves in doodles.  It ended up looking similar to these doodles that I did earlier.
In the spirit of artistic freedom and random acts of color, I slipped it back in with the other sleeves so that someone down the line would have a bright something added to their day.  With the rest of my ice coffee in hand, I set out again and walked until I came across a rather talented street musician belting out tunes as loud as he could.  With a singing style similar to that of Jason Mraz, a rough voice similar to Bob Dylan, and classical guitar skills to make anyone jealous, he made the perfect accompaniment to my afternoon reading.  So, I settled down on a nearby bench and read my book while listening to him try and lure in the passing tourists.  Sadly though, almost no one stopped or even tossed a dollar in his guitar case.  I only had small change in the bottom of my bag, so I ended up giving him the rest of my Starbucks gift card; pennies compared to the two hours of live music that he provided.  I don't know how he remembered the words to all of those songs, but he managed pretty good.  By that time I was getting a bit hungry so I headed home to find Jill eating in the kitchen.  We sat and talked for a while before Connie came home and joined in.  And now I find myself here writing to yall.  Be sure to tell the animals and the garden that I said hi.
Love yall more than ice coffee and street musicians!

1 comment:

Papa said...

I can just imagine your random acts of doodle catching on as one after another coffee customer discovers that her sleeve is not completely like all the others. You could earn a reputation of the amazingly creative Mountain Doodle Masquerader.

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