Saturday, August 27, 2011

--Insert Witty Title Here--

After I sent the last post, I resumed studying when this nice middle age couple walked by with their dog.  Seeing my with my nose in a book they commented on my diligence and tried to convince me that I would do great on the test.  The lady and I talked back and forth in French a bit and ended up having a nice conversation about the various French activities around campus.  Fast-forward 2.5 hours later; I was sitting in a classroom with the rest of the transfer students about to have a welcome/info lecture, and I see the same lady.  I said hi and she asked how the placement test went and blah blah.  Then, the guy in charge got up and introduced that same lady as...wait for it...the president of the school!  I was flabbergasted and honored to have already had a one on one conversation with the president on my first day.  How cool is that?  I guess that's what you get at a small school.  
As for the previously mentioned placement test, it went awesome and I was able to test out of the first two semesters of French.  I am so glad that all of that studying in Colorado and over the summer paid off.  I have, for now, decided to make French my minor, and I think it will tie in well with art history.  I also met with my adviser today and we laid out a schedule.  I will be taking Cardio and Flexibility (it was that or Weight Training), a Survey of Latin American History, Italian Renaissance Painting and Sculpture, French 3, and Statistics.  Technically that is five classes, but the P.E. is only 1/4 of a credit so it doesn't really count, but I am still in for a lot of reading and a lot of studying.  I can't wait to get started!
I went to the grocery this afternoon as well and picked up a few breakfast things.  I decided to make that my meal to fix myself since those are pretty easy foods to fix generally. I didn't quite get a whole lot of sleep last night due to a rather loud dorm, but I think a blind-fold and ear plugs will do the trick :)  
Well, off to do something (I haven't decided what).



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