Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ticker the Minnow

Ticker stuffing himself with bran flakes

Hello All,
After the tear-jerking and heartbreaking death/disappearance of mon petit poisson Zaz, I decided that it would be a good idea to document the life of Ticker, my precious remaining minnow.  In his Starbucks Grande square foot home, he enjoys the company of roughly a dozen snail, three varieties of water plants, and a rock.  Since the loss of our warm summer sun, he has been enjoying the sweet life parked under my trusty study lamp and is thriving in the glow of the 40 watt.  Ticker likes spending his time hiding from his mother, nibbling on bits of bran cereal, visiting with his snail friends, staring at his reflection, and meditating under the penny wart leaves.  While he does like the snails, they tend to multiply rapidly and thus some have had to be relocated to the terrace (aka the dying flowerbed outside Clyce Hall).  When he grows up Ticker would like to be an alligator gar and hopes of one day meeting Nemo and the Pepperidge Farm Goldfish.

 Poppy reclining on the penny wart

Hoover (top) taking a nap

Ticker in a moment of thoughtful repose

Scallion exploring the edges of his territory

Well, good night all!
-Kate and Ticker

Note: I know their water looks a bit yellowish, but I swear in real life it is much clearer :)

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