Sunday, November 6, 2011

I have a complaint...

Having already spent six hours of my day staring at a computer screen writing a tremendously boring essay, I feel that I am justified in spending a few minutes complaining.  Today is probably one of the most beautifully perfect days of the year and yet I have only spent about 6 minutes of it actually outside with no hope of anymore precious minutes.  In the perfect world, colleges would be designed without any homework to do in one's "free time".  Instead of the current system, I would devise a school, much like our public primary schools in which there would be one large chunk of each day spent in class where all of the work and homework expected of you could be finished in class.  Then, when the classes were over, one would simply go home and be free to live until the next morning.  I guess you could say I am just feeling pessimistic over the exorbitant about of homework that I have left even once this paper is completed, but there has to be a better way.  The ability to spent time outside on a beautiful day is something that should be taken for granted.  Instead, we scurry from one class to the next and back and forth as fast as we can between our meals and our dorms trying to live up to the insanely high standards set for us by society, ourselves, and our professors.  All in all, I object.  I guess that just means that I am going to have to start a campaign for a mandatory outdoor appreciation class each semester.  The things this world is coming to...sigh...well, back to that really boring essay.  I love yall much and hope that yall are spending extra time outside on this beautiful fall day to make up for the time that I am forced to be inside.  Much love always,

Kate Alice 

1 comment:

Songofjoy said...

I officially command you to create an outdoor appreciation course immediately. Study your current schedule and add a 5th credit, preferably Monday, Wed., and Friday. How long are your classes? An hour, an hour and a half? Ahhh... that 5th credit class already feels sooo good! No homework! Everything is done in class! ~ Oh how I love you!

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