Sunday, March 4, 2012

World Music: Cuba

Hello Folks,
I'm sorry I have been a bit delinquent in keeping up with the blog.  It was great to see yall this past weekend and go to the museums.  I am still stoked that I got to see Frederick Church's The Icebergs, 1861.

Is there a better painting?  [That was a rhetorical question]

School is going well and I am getting into the rhythm of this whole, 5 classes/18 hours thing and learning just how much I can get done in the last thirty minutes before class.  Thus far no assignment has been missed or late, but it has come pretty close!  Unfortunately, my fern is dying from lack of proper sunlight, but at least Ticker is doing well.  The snails have gotten huge and are now about the size of one of my fingernails.

To the music part:
I have been looking for some Spanish music for my dear hermana, and somehow came across these two ladies.  They are quite old now and I am pretty sure that they call themselves the Faez Sisters, but I could not find much more information.  All I know is that every time I listen to it I wish I knew how to dance.

Only five more days left!


1 comment:

Papa said...

Way to go, girl! Dance it!

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