Friday, November 2, 2012

Modern Dance and Pho

      Another rainy, dreary day here in the city, but another good day nonetheless.  I never know if I'm going to wake up to a beautiful day like yesterday...

view looking south; can you tell I live near an airport?

...or a blanket of clouds and fog so thick that I can't even see the Eiffel Tower like this morning.  The days here just speed past, and it is hard to believe that we have already reached midway point in our classes as I have my first, and I think my only, midterm on Tuesday.  It is crazy to think that it is already November and the two-month mark is already only about a week away.  
      We had another outing the other day with the group to see the modern dance by Gallotta called Racheter la Mort des Gestes.  It was definitely contemporary and from the little write up in the program this particular style was invented in 2008.  It doesn't get much more modern than that!  

       It was basically a collaboration of people, some who dance and some who don't, who got together and created a series of smaller dance sequences that were supposed to tell some story about the state of modern life.  I'm not sure what the statement was, but I know there was a bit about a grandmother dying, an audition, men cross-dressing in some absolutely horrendous dresses, and a rather hypnotic bit with two handicapped people in wheelchairs.  Granted the part when the man took off all of his clothes and went running around the stage yelling something in Italian was a bit of an unexpected shock, in all I really enjoyed it, and it was a nice change from the sleep inducing theater performances.     
      Since I live in Chinatown, it would be natural to assume that by now I had sampled some authentic Asian food, but no, it wasn't until today that I actually went out to eat at a proper restaurant.  One of my friends here who is Chinese and I have been meaning to go out sometime, and so today we finally did it.  I met her and Elise at Port de Choisy and we wandered north a bit looking for a good place to get some pho.  After a little bit we found this little Vietnamese place that looked promising, and we were soon settled in out of the rain and cold.  We all basically got the same thing which was a huge steaming bowl of beef pho with tons of fresh cilantro, basil, and some other herb we couldn't identify.  It was probably the best thing I have eaten since I've been here.  Maybe I was just really hungry, but that place has now become my absolute favorite.  It has inspired me to go eat more pho, and you can bet that there will be more posts about pho in the future...pho sure :)  
      It was so nice to just sit, once again, over a good meal with some good friends and forget for a while about homework, deadlines, conjugations, and the millions of miscommunications that in general make the simplest of things around here very complicated.  Well, once again my homework calls.  Hugs to all.
-Kate Alice

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