Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Can't think of a title.

I am officially the worst at taking photos to document my time.  For the past three days I’ve carried my camera with me and not one single photo to show for it.  I did; however, have a wonderful weekend that proved both productive and quite fun.  I got up Saturday at 7 and commenced studying which didn’t end until 11 that night, so needless to say I got a lot done and have made progress in all the books I have to read.
Sunday morning was likewise filled with studying, but at noon I met with Elise up on the northeast side of Paris in the 19th arrondissement.  She had invited me to a brunch at her friends apartment and there ended up being five of us total.  They had fixed eggs Benedict, toast, fruit salad, and one of the guys brought some very good and buttery muffin/cake things.  It was one of those times when you are just expecting something to go wrong because it’s just too perfect.  Her friend lives on the third or fourth floor of a flat overlooking the canal, so we sat there at our little table with the giant windows open looking out at the long riverboats go by.
Everyone there spoke a little English, but our conversations were mostly in French with some very helpful translations from Elise and the others.  They taught me the word for blueberry, la myrtille, and I taught them about Madame Blueberry from Veggie Tales, and they got a kick out of the idea of Jesus looking like a cucumber.  After our brunch we cleaned up and then headed out the door to go visit le Musee de l’Art Moderne.  It was so nice just to slowly roam around with my new Parisian friends, commenting on the art and practicing our language skills back and forth.  I truly didn’t want the day to end, but alas I had to return home and continue my studies.  I seriously hope that we can get together again sometime soon as they are some good and kind people.  I also noticed that I don't have many photos of myself with friends on here, so to prove that they do exist, here are two photos that I stole.

From the Abbey de Fontenay visit in Bourgogne.  
She told us to look thoughtfully at the tree, so we did in all of our awesomeness.
(credits to Mengyun I think...even though she's in the picture)

Our second day here (credits to ?)

      I definitely wouldn't have made it this far without all these great people who have become some great friends.  They never fail to lift my spirits, and I always look forward to seeing them.  Thanks guys!!!  I miss all of yall back home too and feel so grateful to have a good reason to return home.  
Bonne nuit tout le monde!
-Kate Alice

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