Thursday, October 25, 2012

Late Night Moliere

It is the play that never ends.  I've been working my way through l'Ecole des Femmes for quite some time now, and yes, I am still reading it.  The going is slow, but I have a process that seems to work.  1) read passage and look up words I don't know.  2) re-read and look up more words while cross-referencing with English version.  3) re-re-read to synthesize information.  I don't think I've ever researched a piece of literature more than I have this one.  The average page looks a bit like this when I'm through...

Forty minutes of work right there.

      For those wondering what this is, it is "The Maxims of Marriage" or "The Duties of the Married Woman" as read by Agnes from the paper given to her by her suiter/captor/benefactor/wannabe-husband/chauvinist fiance Arnolphe.  He is basically trying to get her to believe that a wife has no rights and must do exactly what her husband says and there is this whole religious, comic, ironic angle, but I won't get started on that seeing as I barely understand it myself.  
      So, as another day closes and my desk lamp burns into the wee morning hours, I can't help but reminisce about the green fields and fresh air of Bourgogne.  That trip seems like years ago but it hasn't even been four weeks.  

Jelyn and myself in the vinyards...sigh

      I would give anything to be walking down that little country lane right about now, or heck, even having a conversation with our awkward busdriver Bernard as we wait for the others to board.  However, tomorrow should be fun as I "teach" a group of 14-year-olds English, Saturday will be spent with Elise at the modern art museum, and Sunday...well, I have no plans for Sunday, but I'm sure it will be great as well!  On that vague and optimistic note, adieu to all!
Much love,
Kate Alice

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