Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Est-ce que vous allez vous?

We got about 2" of snow last night, so I once again awoke to a world of white.  My application stuff is going very well and I am truly making headway which feels good.  After spending the morning reading and doing application stuff, I spend two hours shoveling snow.  I got a bit carried away on the sidewalks and ended up shoveling all the way to the bottom of the hill and around the corner.  I don't think it got above 10 F today and all of the stuff in my cooler on the back porch froze.  Thankfully I had taken the yogurt out the night before, but my eggs, spinach, and broccoli were not so lucky.  As it turns out, an egg turns into a gelatinous glob when partially frozen.  Connie was worried that I might get food poisoning, but I figure that anything bad was killed in the -8 F weather.  It only seems logical.  On Monday evening, Connie, Jill, Jill's friend, and I all went out to dinner at The Palace using the gift certificate that I got for Christmas.  We totally pigged out on baked brie and sweet potato fries and we still only used about half the card!  I had to leave a bit early to get to orchestra rehearsal, but it was nice to finally have a day off and get some R&R.
2 hours later:

HALLELUJAH!!!  I can't stop smiling!   I love life!  YAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Okay, I should probably explain myself.

So, I just found out a couple of days ago that the colleges that I thought still had my reference letters did not.  This was followed by moaning and gnashing of teeth because I need more than just a reference letter; I have to have official reports from three different teachers on official documents with the official seals.  So, I hastily called three past professors and got two wrong numbers and one that went straight to voice mail.  I waited a nail biting 24 hours and then decided to do the unprofessional and email them.  Well, in the past thirty minutes, I got emails from all three stating that they would love to fill out more paperwork and to just send the necessary stuff.  Two professors even remembered me by my name alone!  I am now on an absolute high and my confidence isn't doing so bad either.  Well, I must go address some envelopes.
Love yall much and wish you as much and more success as I have had today.

1 comment:

Songofjoy said...

YIPEE YI YEY!!!Can't you just see big purple Barney celebrating with you? Vaughn and I are over here doing some embarassing cheers that you and Selina would leave the house over. HEE! HEE!

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