Saturday, March 26, 2011

4 Days In Paradise

I have officially found the place where yall should retire (if the whole creek thing doesn't work out :).  I have spent the last four days/three nights on a piece of land that I could move to and never leave and still be happy.  Under the guise of helping Conning dog/cat/cow/sheep-sit I moved my violin, harmonica, books, and self about 20min. south east of Durango.  There really isn't much to say because all I really did the whole time was read, make music, and make dinner for Connie and I whenever she came home.  The folks whose house we were staying at seem, from their stuff, like great people.  I know they are wealthy, but really they don't have many things, but what they do have is very nice.  They used to own a nursery that is on the property, but they recently closed it.  They obviously have green thumbs because there place is covered in weird plants, tulip beds, rose gardens, and fruit trees.  They guy does all of his own canning and their little cellar is packed with jars of their own produce.  Very cool and quite the insperation.  The main attraction for me was the sheep and the trees and both were quite large!  They sheep had such thick wool I don't know how they were able to move, and the trees were the biggest cottonwoods that I have ever seen.  Seriously large!  Photos just can't seem to capture it though.

 The three cows

One of the skinnier sheep

Gracie, the most hyperactive dog in the world.

Ticker, my true love. 


Pussy willow 

Weird cactus plant thing

Daffodils and Eleanor

 One of the really big trees.

 Three of about seven ponds scattered around the property.

Path leading to new addition of house

 Original farmhouse in front and the addition in back and finally some tasteful adobe!

Me on the tire swing.  Needless to say I spent a lot of time there.

It was sad to leave but I was running out of clean clothes.

Love yall buckets!

1 comment:

Papa said...

Thank you, Hubert. I feel the place.

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