Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Thoughts on no thoughts

I have been trying to find something interesting to write about for the past several days, and I have come to the conclusion that at this point in my life, nothing new or exciting is happening on a day to day basis.  Granted as a whole it is fairly new and exciting, but today looks a lot like yesterday and yesterday sure looks a lot like the previous twenty days before it.  C'est la vie.  It is crazy how saying "that is life" has a negative connotation while saying "that is the life" is a good thing.  Je ne comprends pas.
In other news, I got a 93 on my Stats. quiz which is good but not great, and in sadder news I got an 83 on my first French quiz.  Apparently the whole class did so horrendously bad on it that she had to curve the grade, so I ended up getting a B+ instead of a B- which an 83 normally is so I am not complaining to terribly loudly.  I would have gotten an A but I cannot seem to grasp the concept of inversion, subject pronouns, interrogative adverbs, and all of that grammar hoopla that can't be as important as they say it is.  I mean really, needed whose grammar speaking clear?  Don't even get me started on the pluperfect and auxiliary verbs; I don't even know these things in English!
Did I mention that I have a cold?  I have been sniffling and sneezing for the past several days but have been staying away from the medicine just so that I will not be sleepy or feel fuzzy in the head.  Oh, the things we do for school.  I am hoping that since I am sick now that maybe this means that I won't get sick later when I really can't afford to loose any time, or at least that is what I have been telling myself.  Thus far I have been living in a mound of homework surrounded by empty coffee cups and cough drop wrappers, but things are looking up.  I hope to be well enough tomorrow to go to P.E. seeing as how I had to miss Monday's class.  The one day I miss is the one day where they play ultimate frisbee instead of doing sit-ups and sprints and lunges across the gym.  That is the life.  Well, I must return to les devoirs.
Much love,


1 comment:

Idgie said...

You were sick??? Poor baby cakes!



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