Monday, October 24, 2011

The Big Day

String together a list of roughly 7-8 cuss words followed by "art history mid-term" and you have about what is going through my head right now.  I have been studying non-stop for this thing since last Wednesday and can officially say that I have not done even one minute of homework for any of my other classes since then.  I have mastered standing in line at the cafeteria, eating, and putting my tray away in less than 15min.  Truly a new art form.  Having already been up for five hours and basically made to sprint and jump rope for 45min. in P.E., I feel like it is almost time for bed; alas, two more classes, a big bleep, bleep, bleeping, bleeper, bleep, bleep, bleeping art history mid-term, mandatory meeting with mentor, and an in-class essay in French await.  Oh the joys of being a college student.  Remind me why I am doing this again? [note: I actually do remember, but I still ask myself this about 43 times a day.]

Wish I was home and miss yall bunches!


p.s. Don't for a second think that I still look like that philosophical, under control, showered student in the photo in the previous post.  Yeah, that went pretty fast.


Papa said...

So how was the Art History exam? Bet you did amazing on it.

Though we are all crazy-proud of your diligence in preparing for this test, just try to remember that there ARE on-line colleges out there that allow sad students to hole-up in their dark rooms all alone and achieve only the merest rough semblance of an education without ever laughing under a tree with other students or without ever going to listen to a stimulating guest lecturer or musician in the evening or without ever becoming an active member of a college club. I wouldn't advise that college, though.


Kate Alice said...

Oh, father dear. I would love to be doing all of those wonderful things and wish that I had ten years to do school so that I could only take one or two classes at a time. Alas, what I am lacking is not an interest in extracurricular activities, but it is the time in which to do them. I, unfortunately, am a bit of a realist and thus am painfully aware of what needs to be done to succeed in my classes. I would rather hole-up in a dark room and succeed in school, graduating knowing that I am prepared for grad school, than sit under a tree listening to music and bomb the GRE, loose my scholarship, and have work the night shift at Denny's. I wouldn't suggest that path, though :)

Love you bunches Pop!

Kate Alice said...

P.S. I totally rocked that mid-term. Not to brag or anything, but...

Papa said...



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