Friday, October 14, 2011

Miss Yall!

Hola Folks,
Sorry my communication skills have not been the best since I got back from fall break, but things have gotten exponentially busier than before somehow.  However, I finally have things to write about so I figured I would take my afternoon break time and update the blog.  I have been managing to keep a somewhat A-ish average in my classes which is good, not great, but good.  
Yesterday I had a meeting set up with my mentor to go over my major and minor declaration, and so I show up and knock on the door then waited in the hallway for twenty minutes for him to show up and then gave up and went back to my dorm room.  About twenty minutes later, I decided to go back with my homework and wait just in case he thought that our meeting was at noon instead of eleven.  When I came up the stairs the first thing I saw was my mentor being wheeled away by the paramedics.  Apparently he's a diabetic, went low in his office, tripped, hit his head, and thus was unconscious the entire time I was sitting outside his office and it was only when one of his colleagues got worried during the time that I was gone that they found him.  Craziness! Don't worry he is fine and will be back on Monday, but today I have been running around trying to find someone to approve my JanTerm so that I can finish registering.  More craziness! 
Also, yesterday I learned two new cuss words in French.  The French are known for their foul language and cuss like sailors all the time in just about every situation.  We watched a movie for French club last night in which they cussed every other word, and now I can say whore and shit quite fluently; although, those words don't have the same impact in French as they do in English.  Anyway, who says its all about conjugations and asking directions?
Well, my afternoon break is over.  Love yall!


1 comment:

Songofjoy said...

Hi Kate! You had a diabetic mentor in your schools of beautiful ideas, so this is old hat for you huh? I'm so glad they found him and he is ok.~ I miss you Love.~ It sounds like learning french cuss words is actually important culturally. I just wonder if it across the board there. In the US it is spotty. Certain populations cuss every other word.~ If A-ish in classes is ok, what is really good? ~ I like the new blog background. Hugs!!

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