Saturday, October 29, 2011

Homecoming Football

Hey All,
Yet another fun day of homecoming and there is still more to come!  Robert and I met up with our professor friends Jane and John White to watch the golf cart parade around lunch and then it was off the football game.  We played against Depauw and tragically lost 17-21.  Within the first 30 seconds of the game we had caught an interception and turned it into a touchdown, but it kind of went downhill from there.  However, we did not let one play go by without much clapping, yelling, waving of pompoms, and stomping of feet.  Now, my voice is a bit hoarse and I feel like I just left gym class, but it was totally worth it.

It was a bit chilly towards the end when the sun went behind the sky box, but stomping your feet does a lot to warm you up!  Now it is homework time until 7:30 when the choral and orchestra groups will be performing in the chapel.  I hope yall are enjoying this beautiful day and GO ROOS!!!



Songofjoy said...

How was the choral/orchestra concert? What music did they play? La, la-la, la-la . Guess what song that is!

Kate Alice said...

The concert was two masses back to back. One was by Mozart and the other was the American Jazz Mass which, while not really in my taste range, what quite good nonetheless, and I'm still stumped on what tune that is!

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