Friday, October 28, 2011


All week the staff has been preparing for homecoming this weekend and this evening we kicked off the weekend festivities with an uber-fun carnival hosted by all of the clubs and Greeks.  Robert, Elise, Brittnay, and I all ran around for two hours eating caramel apples, competing in a 3-legged race (Elise and Brittnay won), smashing a car with a sledgehammer, standing in line for free t-shirts, shooting rubber tipped arrows at a guy with an apple duck taped to his head, playing guess-whats-in-the-box (I got all but the one that ended up being a peeled tomato), getting face paint (rockin' the whiskers), eating a root-beer cupcake I won in the cakewalk, getting beaten up by giant rubber cannonballs while trying to balance on an inflatable cube in the bouncy house, and having our names written in Arabic complements of the Muslim Students Association.  What fun!  
Hillary, Viana, Me, and Robert

Viana and Hillary joined us at the end for the Pep Rally that followed which was fun as well.  All of the dance teams did their thing, homecoming court was announced, the sports captains were acknowledged, and Zeta Chi Zeta did a surprisingly good skit about the Kangaroos beating up all of our conference opponents in a dance off.  You would have had to have been there.  And now, I am exhausted from all of the excitement and probably on a bit of a sugar crash.  However, the studying must continue seeing as how I have not done any homework for the past 5 hours!!!  That truly is a bit of a record.  
I hope yall have a great evening and weekend, and stay warm!



Songofjoy said...

Kate, You look sooo beautiful and happy in this photo! Mooovois!

Kate Alice said...

Why thank you!

p.s. what does mooovois mean?

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