Monday, October 31, 2011

Joyeux Halloween!

As a proud member of the French Club RooBoo team, I can officially say that it was a success.  About twenty different clubs and Greeks set up tables with tons of fun games and all that stuff, and with the Halloween music turned up loud we danced to Thriller at least four times and played lots and lots and lots and lots of ring toss...with a zombie...and Belle...

I unfortunately didn't get any photos of myself but I went as a painter.  I dug out an old pair of ratty jeans, and old shirt, and a ton of paints and sort of went to town smearing paint everywhere.  With paintbrushes stuck in my hair like chopsticks and a fairly accurate cardboard artist's palette in hand, I actually looked the part.  Now if only washing paint out of my hair was that easy!  I have officially ingested way too much sugar for the day, but I guess that is part of the fun.  I love yall much and hope you have a great evening.

Bon soir



Papa said...

OK. My comment a few entries ago regarding somebody's need for escape from the lonely student's garret may have pushed the pretty little thing so far into party-zone that she will be forever lost to the revelers of the fun-house. Cursed Dionysus!

(ignore that . . . I couldn't be happier!)

Kate Alice said...

Hahaha, true the timing on this is quite ironic given previous posts. There is lighthearted revelry in college after all! Unfortunately I am now a bit behind, but today has already turned out to be a rousing success in regards to test preparation (two on Thursday, one on Friday, and two essays due on Sat. and Sun.). Wish me luck!

Songofjoy said...

Boy, you really are having some fun! Keep celebrating the rest of your life child. ~ Wise advice from the master (spoken with British accent). I wish I could have seen your artists costume. ~ A worker at the nursing home had a bubble bath costume. She cut a hole in a laundry basket. Put balloons in, a shower head with "streamers" of water, and etc... The basket fit on her waist. Quite fun with Splish Splash I Was Takin' a Bath music.

Idgie said...

Kate!!!!!!!!!! How fun! I am so sorry I missed your call tonight. We seem to be playing the taggeth de phoneth.

So much love,


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