Monday, November 7, 2011


Yeah, that moment when you realize that the "broken fire alarm" that you have taken the last ten minutes to dismantle is really your neighbors' clock alarm.  Classic.  It has now been going for the past hour with no sign of their return, so I am resigned to attempting to put back together the perfectly fine fire alarm and just try and sit it out.  Every once in a while I almost forget that it is there and that is...wait...its still there.  Despite the persistent beeping, I've had a mildly productive day of walking back and forth across campus and arriving at class an hour early because of clocks still set on pre-time change time, but besides that, it's been good.  The cafeteria had some amazing pesto-pita thing that went especially well with a little scoop of cherry cobbler on this windy evening, so I can't complain.  I finally finished that essay that I was working on while complaining in my last post, and it is such a relief to finish that assignment.  Unfortunately, I have a feeling that it is a B paper.  I kind of BSed in the middle where I was discussing the author's perspective, but hopefully she will kindly overlook that bit and take note of my perfectly centered title page and correct spelling.  Just kidding, the perfect margins are what I should really be getting points for.  Those were deceptively difficult to type out!
Back to the books!

I love yall much and hope yall had a great day.


-Kate Alice


Papa said...

About four years ago when I was trying to sleep at our Horseshoe Bay EMS station, I got to enjoy a solitary firefly in the corner of the dark bedroom. I've always liked fireflies. I was that proverbial child with the firefly in the glass on a summer night when he itched of backyard grass and sweat even while going to bed, reclining on cool sheets, and still mesmerized by the bizarre insect's now futile attempt to attract a mate (and slowly growing hypoxic in the Mason jar). But in HSB I especially appreciated that bit of natural light in an otherwise perfectly sterile room. So each shift when I would return to the station and then to sleep at night, I would love that same occasionally-blinking firefly in the corner of the dark room. Not for several months did I realize it was a smoke detector's green battery light.

Kate Alice said...

hahaha, nice one Dad. The beeping continues and I can't help be reminded of that Billy Collins poem Why I Don't Keep A Gun In The House...

Idgie said...

Pesto and pitas? No way. Nice work on the fire alarm! You now are familiar with the anatomy of that piece of equipment and its assembly and installment. Excellent, if that is what you were going for.


I love you and wish you the bestest of luck on your studies this week.


Idgie said...

p.s. beep

Songofjoy said...

Hey wait a minute!!! I have to get in my BEEP too!

Thistlefur said...


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