Sunday, November 14, 2010

I can't think of a good title.

Howdy all,
I hope yall have had a productive weekend.  I spent the day out at Hope and Tony's knitting, reading, studying, and practicing violin.  It was good to have a change of scenery for a bit.  Tomorrow is going to be an exceptionally busy day so this is going to be a short post.  Starting at 7:30 I take Carli to school, then go to the grocery, at 11:15 head to work, at 3:30 I have orchestra rehearsal, and at 5:00 I have my first orchestra concert up at the college.  It is part of a one day music festival for the kids at the middle and high school, so about 70 kids will be joining us in performing Finlandia.  It is going to be crazy because we only get one rehearsal all together, but I am looking forward to it.  Our real concert is not until December but because of the festival and Thanksgiving and blah blah blah, we will only have one more rehearsal until our performance which is crazy and a bit stressfull, but I'm sure all will turn out well.  Well, I should head to bed.  Love yall!!!


p.s. Mom- Sorry I missed your call yet again, I am not very good about keeping my phone with me.  I didn't want to call you while you were in Houston cause I knew you would probably be out and about, but I will put an honest effort into calling you tomorrow :)

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