Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Things Going On In Kate's Head

1. Kate has decided to switch her major to Art History with a focus on Gothic architecture.
2. Kate made tons of soup yesterday and spent a good 45 min. this morning just trying to get it all into bags.
3. Kate has made nice with the boss that she previously hated and is finding much friendship in her colleagues at work.
4. Kate had pot stickers for dinner.
5. Kate wants a dog.
6. Kate can't get a dog.
7. If Kate could get a dog she would want a Newfoundland.
8. Kate has spent the past hour reading about the Newfoundland breed and drooling over pet adoption sites.
9. Kate wants a cat.
10. Kate misses her cat.
11. Kate might get to move into a bigger bedroom with her own bathroom in the spring.
12. It is 16 degrees Fahrenheit outside tonight.
13. Kate is warm under her covers.
14. Kate spent yesterday afternoon being moral support for Marci while car shopping.
15. Marci finally bought a car.
16. Kate is still thinking about switching her majors and wanting a dog.
17. Kate is also thinking about how great her orchestra performance went the other night.
18. Kate can't wait for the real performance in December.
19. Kate new favorite instrument but one that she would not like to play is the tympanum.
20. Kate is loving mom's idea about the frozen ciabatta rolls.
21. Kate thanks mom.
22. Kate is missing her dear family much this evening.
23. Kate can't wait to be home for Christmas.
24. Kate is wishing that she had taken pictures of the soup to show yall how beautiful it turned out.
25. Kate has discovered that a perk of living in the cold is being able to use the back porch as a giant refrigerator.
26. Kate has discovered that sometimes when it is below freezing, stuff left on the back porch freezes as well.
27. Kate found 1" worth of frozen soup in the pot this morning.
28. Kate noted the irony of thawing soup so that it could be fit into the real freezer.
29. Kate keeps using first person grammar even though she is writing in the third person.
30. Kate went out to eat yesterday for the first time (The Palace does not count) since moving to Durango.
31. Kate discovered the wonderful fish tacos at Zia Taqueria.
32. *singing* "If I were a rich man. Deedle deedle deedle deedle deedle dumm. All day long I'd eat a fish taco..."
33. Kate's landlady got laid off (don't worry downsizing was expected) and thus we will actually be having Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving.
34. Kate still has not made up her mind on what to fix.
35. Kate is getting tired thinking of what she is thinking.
36. Kate says goodnight.
37. Kate loves yall much
38. Kate says DDL and sends xoxoxoxo yalls way.

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