Monday, August 29, 2011


Well, the semester has officially begun.  We just got back from our convocation ceremony and now we are officially matriculated.  It was very special because all of the staff was in their full regalia and the seniors were presented with their robes so everyone but the "freshmen" (as I keep getting called) were all dressed up making it feel even more official.  The president gave a nice speech and we had all of the hoopla that usually goes with these type of things, and afterwards, Hilary (new friend) and I went over to the coffee shop store where she got Cheetos, macaroni and cheese, and a red lollipop for dinner.  Nutrition was obviously not the goal here.
Class registration was interesting and a bit stressful.  We were all scrambling around to find the right table to sign up for our individual classes before they opened the doors for the freshmen.  Thankfully we had ten minutes, and the majority of the transfers were able to finish before then.  I was one of the lucky few who was able to get all of the classes that they wanted, so I got the schedule I wanted.
Today I was also able to meet again with my mentor and I am one step closer to building a degree plan.  It is great fun as I get to run around campus trying to meet with all of the professors and heads of departments and everyone who has to give their input before I can draw up a final draft and then get them all to give it their blessing.  Despite the hassle it is fun to be so involved in one's own educational path.
Well, I must get to bed in anticipation of fun fun fun Statistics at 8 tomorrow morning.  Yeah!!!
I love the smell of textbooks in the smells like victory*.  

Love and miss yall!

*vic-to-ry (n.) the smell of sleep deprivation, caffeine, public showers, really big books, pink erasers, shredded homework, and brain smoke.]


Papa said...

Thanks for keeping us informed, girl. We always appreciate the new posts. I can so see you teaching art in a small college.

Thistlefur said...

You are the perfect new student, just the kind I loved to meet. Lucky Roo staff... ;)

Kate Alice said...

You're too sweet. I only hope that all that brain smoke doesn't start a fire up here! Obviously the folks in Bastrop have been studying too much :)

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