Friday, September 2, 2011

A Day In My Life

0600  Viana's alarm goes off; set to wrong time.
0630  My alarm goes off; say good morning to Viana
0632  Use restroom
0635  Realize that I don't have class until 1100; celebrate with Viana by singing TGIF by Katy Perry
0640  Crawl back in bed; decide what to study
0642  Get out statistics books
0650  Get up to make coffee
0652  Sit down; look for pencil
0656  Find pencil; sit down again
0656  Get up to get coffee and granola for me and Viana
0659  Sit down again; study statistics
0846  Viana heads for class; still studying statistics
1024  Viana returns from class; still studying statistics
1030  Alarm goes off to remind me of French class
1035  Remember that I am supposed to be getting ready
1036  Get dressed; brush teeth; pack backpack; make bed
1045  Walk to Caruth Administration building with Viana
1047  Say goodbye to Viana at door
1049  Wait for class to start
1100  French class starts; excessive mumbling of stuff that is supposed to be French
1220  French ends; walk back to dorm
1230  Meet Viana and Hillary in dorm lobby; walk to lunch at the Pouch Club
1234  Stand in line; order veggie burger at register
1239  Sit down in booth with Viana, Hillary, and Robert
1248  Food finally ready; eat; talk; talk; talk; talk
1320  Put up tray; walk back to dorm with Hillary
1325  Lay down for quick nap
1345  Wake up; talk to Viana about weird dream
1346  Realize that there is a strange guy in the room; realize that strange guy is actually Viana's guyfriend JT; express my surprise at his presence; introduce myself; chat
1353  Do more statistics homework
1419  Verbalize my dislike for drawing histograms
1432  Retell of my dislike for drawing histograms
1440  Get ready to go to Italian Renaissance Art class
1445  Leave dorm for art building
1448  Arrive at class and take my seat
1620  Leave class
1621  Run into president again (daily ritual it seems) and chat briefly about classes
1625  Arrive at dorm
1629  Head to bookstore to return unneeded textbook
1631  Arrive one minute after bookstore closes; return to dorm
1633  Try to finish statistics homework
1648  Cuss loudly upon realizing that I have been confusing histograms with bar graphs all day
1649  Calm down and begin redrawing all previously drawn "histograms"
1655  Decide it's not worth my time; get a snack
1659  Start art history readings
1732  Meet Viana, Hillary, JT, and Robert in cafeteria hallway for dinner
1733  Grab tray and head straight for the stir-fry station
1735  Custom order contents of stir-fry and watch them make it
1738  Grab a fork and glass of ice tea; sit down with group
1850  Decide that we best stop talking and get back to homework
1852  Walk back to dorm with Hillary; invite her to study with me in my room
1854  Set up standing desk (aka dresser) with drink, books, and extra pencils
1855  Commence reading book on the Mayans
2015  Decide to sit down
2016  Brainstorm possible topics for art history research paper
2040  Share a big cookie with Hillary and Viana while we sit on my bed and watch music videos extolling the virtues of Fridays
2055  Have lengthy conversation on GLBT rights with Hillary and Viana
2207  Hillary says goodnight
2210  Finish writing out ideas for research paper
2220  Begin checking emails, Moodle (like Blackboard), and favorite craft blog
2235  Begin this blog post; keep getting interrupted
2302  Finish post!!!

Good night!  Love yall buckets!




Papa said...

Thanks, Kate. All that is missing is the video recorder on top of your beanie. D

Thistlefur said...

Most excellent. Feel like I was there. :)
(My art department was in an Italian Renaissance-styled building so now every time I look at it, I shall think of you! :) )

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