Sunday, September 18, 2011

We've Gone Postal!

Due to a large course load, long nights, really thick books with no pictures and really small print, and the loud group of freshman who live above us, we have officially gone off our rockers.  Kate has chosen the more devil-may-care-no-one-will-notice-if-I-start-carrying-a-big-knife-and-skinning-squirrels approach while Viana has taken the caffeine-study-caffeine-study-caffeine-study-put-off-showering-caffeine-caffeine-I-hear-voices! approach.  In all seriousness, things are going well.  Kate recently won an award for service to the school by reducing the resident squirrel population, and Viana has had the honor of having the local espresso machine named after her.    
Until next time!

-Those sort of odd girls from Rm. 104

1 comment:

Idgie said...

Guess what????? You're freakin' awesome!

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