Friday, September 17, 2010

Delinquent Blogger

Hello all,
Sorry I have been so bad about keeping the blog updated.  I officially have a cold and sinus infection so I have been off work for the past two days and probably the next two days as well.  At least the view from my bed is nice :)  We had to turn on the heater for the first time last night which is both exciting and dreadful at the same time.  Excited about changing weather.  Not excited about the weather changing to cold.  Alas, what did I really expect when I moved to mountainous Colorado?  My French class is going well; however, my teacher has it in her mind that I am better at French than I really am.  Apparently, I mentioned that I would have more time to study since I only have one class and now she thinks that I spend every waking moment conjugating verbs and stalking the tutors at the learning lab.  That wouldn't be such a bad idea but it wasn't what I had in mind for the Fall!  My landlady is back in town so it has been nice to have some movement in the house.  Everyone else pretty much stays in their rooms so the house is always so quiet, but now that she is back, there are signs of life.  I gave in and went to the store yesterday because I was in desperate need of food, but I managed to go 69 meals on one trip to the store.  That basically means that I have been eating for $1.23 a meal or $3.69 a day.  I think that is pretty good seeing as how that includes the cost of ALL food (eating out included).  This past trip to the store I splurged and got a back of frozen edamame and I just about finished them in one sitting (as predicted hence the "splurge").  I have been wanting to make some bread so I think I might head back to the store and get the ingredients.  Do yall know anything about high altitude baking?  Well, I must go rest my weary, sneezing, coughing, nose-blowing self.  Love yall


1 comment:

Papa said...

A buck twenty-three a meal? Great going, Kate. We've budgeted an assumed buck seventy-eight, so we're right in line. Unfortunately, our budget assumed two point three facial tissues per day, so you'll have to make maximum use of each piece of Kleenex. Maybe use a shirt tail or back of the hand if necessary. No worries, though.

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