Saturday, September 4, 2010


Yet another day of not a lot to say, but apparently, around here, that doesn't matter!  Yesterday I met Hope, Tony, and a friend for dinner at La Casita in Bayfield before we all went to see a play on Patsy Cline. 

Courtesy of the Durango Arts Center
We had so much fun and were singing along, clapping, and stomping our feet just about the whole time.  The lady who played the lead had a very good voice, and while she was no Patsy Cline, she could seriously go pro and I would buy her music!  I ended up staying the night with Hope and Tony and this morning Hope and I met her friend Missy for breakfast at Carvers.  We had so much fun, and Missy is such a great person.  She is a Soc. teacher up at the college, so hopefully we will run into each other again.  Hope and I then went to the farmers market where we bought tons of yummy stuff and yet again were surrounded by Birkenstock hippies.  There was this one lady there with the tiniest backpack I think I have ever seen and sticking out of the top was about a three foot bunch of flowering dill.  It smelled good but it looked like it was going to fall out at any moment.  Some people give their kids helium balloons so that they can find them in a crowd, but they should really start using over sized herbs.  Hope was very generous and brought me a huge sack full of food after she went to the store.  I guess she thought that I was going to starve or turn into oatmeal! 
The rest of the day has been pretty boring, but it is a beautiful Colorado evening so I can't complain.  I hope the parental units are enjoying Houston, and Selina, don't throw the textbooks out the window yet.
Love yall


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