Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wrong Turn. Symphony. Deaf Driver. The Palace. Rainbow

Hello All,
I am sorry I am a bit behind on blogging due to pure laziness, but I guess better late than never.  Yesterday, Hope, Amber, and I went on a drive to "Telluride"; however, it did not quite go as planned.  In order to avoid traffic and scary roads, Hope decided that we should go on a back road over one of the passes.  It was truly the bumpiest road that I have ever driven on and I just about got motion sick going 5mph.  After a couple of hours, we noticed what appeared to be a pile of rocks in the road.  As we got closer, we could see that it was a campfire.  Campfire?!?  Then we saw some weeds and small trees growing in the road.  Then we saw a really big tree in the road.  Then we didn't see the road at all!  16 miles of bone jarring and easing over rocks the size of bowling balls and we were at a dead end.  Apparently, about 15 miles back, we took the wrong turn and sort of went in the opposite direction of Telluride.  However, it was so beautiful and we laughed the whole way up.  Thankfully Hope had packed a lunch for us, so we had a nice picnic before turning around and heading home. 
             Yesterday evening was the first symphony rehearsal, and I had so much fun!!!  It is really going to be a great experience and the people are awesome.  It is basically like orchestra at home, but no old people and fewer pieces.  What I really liked was that she handed out the sheet music and then played professional recordings of the exact same music.  For the most part we could follow along and it really helps you get a feel for the music and intonation.  We are playing "Finlandia" and Corelli's "Christmas Concerto" and even after the first day of stumbling through the music I can tell that it will sound really good in the end.  Ivan Peter does not like the cool weather so this winter should be interesting.
              Today after class I was on the bus home and the rather elderly and rather deaf bus driver did not hear me signal the stop so I ended up having to ride the bus for the entire loop around town.  It only took 30 min. and was actually quite relaxing, but I rang the bell three times when we got back around again and finally got off.  Marble Falls should really have a bus system like Durango does.  It is just so handy and just about every place in the city limits is no more than a half mile from a bus stop.  It makes getting around so easy that even the affluent people ride the bus and not just those without cars and destitute college students. 
              At 3 this afternoon, I met with Scott (head manager) at the Palace and it looks like I will be starting work tomorrow as a hostess in training.  He gave me a tour and we went over all of the paperwork.  They have a huge kitchen there at The Palace and on one of the stoves was the biggest pot of soup that I have ever seen.  It must have been three feet high and two feet across and was brimming with tons of chopped vegetables and spices.  It smelled heavenly!

This rainbow popped up over the mountains as I was sitting on the deck reading and was HUGE, but by the time I got my camera it had faded down to this little smudge.  Unfortunately, it was getting dark outside so there is not much color and it is a bit grainy. 
Well, must go do homework!
Love yall

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