Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tai Chi Hopeful

Yesterday I went to the third yoga class of the week. Lindsey, from EMS taught it. We started out with Tai Chi (spelling?) moves and some of the people would make "shhhhhhhh" sounds at certain times. It sounded really cool and appeared to play a nice little part in the flow of the moves. We then moved into yoga poses, flowing from one to the next. I definitely flowed and swayed hoping to hold my balance more than any other student there. It felt good even amidst the awkwardness. Yoga class has become a new love. ~ This morning I grieved our old lives some. Ironically both items I decided to read this morning during quiet time were about Joy. Thankfully there is Joy for me in both the old and new. ~ Vaughn and I hope to go check out a few properties today. It's nice to be able to spend some time together. ~ Peace

1 comment:

Papa said...

Honey, the "shhhhhhhh" sounds during the yoga class might have been the other students politely requesting a bit of silence. You weren't joint-creaking or passing flatus, were you now?

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