Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bits of Life

Kate's gift of a lovely cup from which I sip hourly on some variety of hot Zen tea or delicious coffee.

My inspiration for study

I love you all more than NPR in the morning (and I love NPR in the morning...a lot).




Idgie said...

Once again, no bueno with the photo-posting. Grrrr....:)

Songofjoy said...

Maybe I should name our next dog MCAT.

Kate Alice said...

And the next cat MDOG

And the next rabbit MRAT

And the next turtle MFOX

And the next pidgeon MBAT

And the next horse MCOW

And the next pig MFLY

And the next goat MBOA

And the next hippo MYAK

And the next mouse MPIG

Oh the possibilities

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