Thursday, September 9, 2010

Time to Prey

So I'm napping out in the park below the Horseshoe Bay station today, when I hear this loud, rasping noise up in the sky.  I squint up into the haze, and there is the biggest what-the-livin'-hell-is-this that you've ever seen,  descending on me.  Of course I didn't have time to do anything more than reach into my cargo pants, toss aside half a dozen pens, a melted Snickers bar, one used purple glove, two nickles, a receipt from Burger King, grab my new smart phone, and then focus, set the aperture, set the focus once again, and snap this shot,  roll over, and take a beating as the insect ripped my starched dress shirt from off my back.  No problem, though.

1 comment:

Kate Alice said...

Oh Chartreuse Knight of the Smallish Rectangle Table, how brave thou art in times of great peril.

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