Friday, September 3, 2010

Bonjour! Ça va?

Salut my wonderful people.  I hate to say it, but absolutely nothing of interest has happened since I last posted.  Thus, I have been demoted to telling yall about the less interesting things. 
1.  I still have not gone to the store.  That makes 20 meals and counting.
2.  Yesterday I successfully walked to the bus stop on time, caught the right bus to school, caught the right bus again to get to the Transit Center, walked around downtown, found the Transit Center again, hopped on the right bus to take me back to the college, switched buses in the nick of time, warned the driver to stop at Hillcrest Estates, got off the bus, and walked back up the hill to room sweet room. 
3.  While on the bus back home, I saw a very large tattooed biker in all of his leather and chains eating a pink ice cream cone while strolling across the cross walk.  
4.  I began reading Portrait of a Lady.
5.  My raisin bran has gone soggy while writing this to yall.
6.  I took a shower this morning.
7.  I need to clean my room.
8.  Hope and I are going to see a play on Patsy Cline this evening.
9.  Veggie-boy from down the hall is the unhealthiest vegetarian I have ever met. 
10.  Jobs are scarce in Durango.
11.  Even people who have ads in the paper that say they are hiring sometimes are not.
12.  I listened on the bus to two runners from Mozambique discuss in broken english how they feel discriminated against because their pictures were not in the Durango Herald even though they won the relay while the runners-up had a large picture and article. 
13.  It is cold this morning.
14.  It was cold last night.
15.  It was cold yesterday morning.
16.  I am cold right now.
17.  I am now about to go get a jacket.
18.  I am now wearing a jacket.
19.  I just finished eating my raisin bran.
20.  My French teacher is very nice and embarrassingly animated when teaching pronunciation.
21.  Yesterday at the college there was a sort of fair where places like Wells Fargo and David's Bridal came to show their wares to uninterested students and hand out cheap pencils and key chains and enter people in raffles and drawings.
22.  Yesterday at the fair there were a group of guys playing all sorts of African looking drums while two girls in semi-native African garb danced some sort of Good-Luck-To-The-Gatherer-Of-Seeds-And-Fruit dance.
23.  I am out of things to say.  So, I wish yall all a great day and hope to hear about yalls uninteresting days as well.
24.  Much love
25. Kate


Songofjoy said...'s embarrassing, but I have completely forgotten how to post. ~ Kate, thank you for sharing about your "day". My day was filled with people who have not left the nursing home in 3 yrs. telling me they just got back from a long trip, people saluting me and when I salute back they say, "that's right" or "I just told him to get the hell out of here", and kissing a dying man on the forehead. Susan and I met at the little coffee shop in Kingsland for a glass of tea (I had beautiful hibiscus. She had peach.) After work I had an incredibly delightful massage. When I finish this I will complete packing for our trip to Houston tomorrow.~ Sweet Dreams all my Loves

Papa said...

Thank you so much for all the DETAILS, Kiiwi (and Songofjoy, in your response). The older I get, the more infatuated I become with the details and less enthralled I become with the generalizations that generally pass for the sorts of things generals justify wars by. Please keep coming with the keen observations. Food for the proverbial soul.

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