Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Fun First Night

Hello All,
I am sorry that I didn't post yesterday, but it was just so busy!  I got to the house at around 2:00 and Hope was waiting for me there.  She took a nap while I finished moving in and then headed out around 4:30 to meet with the girl who she is going to be the host parent to up at the college. 

My desk

My bed

A portion of my awsome bookshelves

Monkey C enjoying the morning sun

The view out my huge window

Marci (my landlord) had invited four people over for dinner and had asked me if I wanted to join them, so after Hope left, I went and helped Marci with dinner.  There is not a cooking bone in her body, but it actually turned out pretty good.  We had fajitas with grilled corn, guacamole, and homemade salsa that one couple brought.  It was so funny to watch Marci prepare the toppings for the fajitas because she had absolutely no idea what to put on them.  So, she cut up two kinds of onions, purple cabbage, two kinds of tomatoes, cucumber, apples, and garlic.  Her friends ended up being the most interesting people I think I have ever met.  We sat around the table till after midnight swapping stories and discussing weird churches, painful medical experiences, the history of miniature goats, types of social segregation and prejudice, food from the south, Oslo, conspiracy theories, imported vs. locally grown tomatoes, the size of road shoulders in various countries and states, the unusually high number of murders in Albuquerque, hitting deer/cows/elk/birds/rabbits with your car or bicycle, the oil spill, the origin and various methods of preparing ground meats, the surprising number of ways to cook beets, winters in seaside vs. landlocked areas, the price of footwear, TV and movie ratings, soap making, how to remove horns from sheep, infection rates in hospitals, gallbladder surgery, the shape of cowboy hats, the size of a rock large enough to puncture a road-bike tire, the effectiveness of prisons/criminal justice system, and the various types of kayaks just to name a few.  Truly interesting!  Yall would have loved it.  
I especially hit it off with one couple's daughter Maggie (about 25) who is just back from spending two years in Norway doing research on taste perception of tomatoes.  We mostly sat in disbelief at the other people's crazy stories, but we also spent a significant amount of time discussing various stars and constellations.  I was so weird because just about every one I knew she did not and everyone she knew I didn't, so we both learned a lot which was fascinating.  It was also weird because both of us had just listened to the exact same TED Talk just a couple of days before.  Unfortunately, she is leaving for Minnesota in a week. 
This morning I got up early and read so as not to wake up the other roommates, but now I am sitting in the Steaming Bean writing to yall and observing the local culture.  It really is so much different than little Marble Falls.  Well, I must bet back to my coffee before it gets too cold.  Love yall buckets



Papa said...

Most sweeeeeeeeeeeet!

Songofjoy said...

Do you think you could string a zip line between your window and the trampoline? Your place looks great and I'm so glad you had such fun with your "new" friends last night.

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