Friday, August 20, 2010

Kate Leaves Home and Miraculously Arrives in Colorado

Well, here I am in Colorado enjoying the cool weather.  My drive up was relatively uneventful.  The first day was pretty easy; however, my car started smoking from under the hood and I had to catch a ride with a motorcycle gang that I flagged down.  Spike the Savage was so kind to let me ride with him.  Just kidding, his name was Dr. Road Rash :)  I managed to pass the time listening to music and playing my harmonica which is quite enjoyable especially on those stretches of road where there are no curves for ten miles and only one other car on the road.

Rodi enjoyed the view from the dash and was a very good little traveler.

The second day on the road I managed to add two hours to my drive by checking out the scenery in Taos.  Apparently, in Colorado 84 and 68 are different numbers assigned to different roads that go different directions.  Who knew? 

On my little detour I came across the curviest, most pothole filled, most deserted, and most beautiful road in New Mexico.  I think I want to be a sheep farmer here.


1 comment:

Papa said...

Absolutely wonderful, Oh Guardian of Rodi. The looks of this blog and your opening act are just the ticket. Were it not for my near total exhaustion from a fun night of doing all I could not to press for too long the mattress at work, I might contribute more right now. Please keep up the photography and all things art. And if you run out of cooking ideas for the Opa and Oma, let me know. Peace & DDL

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