Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sweet Success

A big sigh of relief was heard echoing in the mountains around Durango at 1:52 as Kate left her audition this afternoon.  The lady is so nice and was serious but encouraging in her seriousness.  Thankfully she was about thirty minutes late because her meeting ran over, so by the time she got back to her office where I was waiting, I had stopped nervously convulsing.  I played a Handel sonata and as it turns out, it is one of her favorite pieces.  I brought out the book and she explained how much she loved Handel and how there was this one sonata that she gives each of her students to learn and who would have guessed I flipped to the one I was going to play and it was that exact same sonata.  Crazy!  Anywho, we start rehearsals on the 6th, so that is exciting.  Another crazy coincidence, we will be playing Corelli's Christmas Concerto which is the piece that I would have learned this fall anyways for the Marble Falls Orchestra Christmas performance.  It just feels like happy fate. 
Also exciting today, I moved most of my stuff into my new room in town and am officially in love with the bookshelves.  I will definitely take pictures tomorrow when I get everything in place.  It is nice to have a desk and it is big enough for three people to comfortably spread out their stuff which basically means that I have three times the amount of surface area to place my junk.  With my colorful stuff and bright bedspread it feels like my old room just lifted up and set itself back down in Colorado.  I will have to get used to the twin bed, but it gives me more room which is nice.  Well, my eyes are telling me it is time to go to bed.  Love always

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