Thursday, August 26, 2010

Last Night's Peach Cobbler

It turned out quite yummy and gooey and I heard Papa Tony in the kitchen late last night getting extra helpings.  Wish yall were here to eat some with us. 

Wish me luck on my big day!  It's been practice, practice, practice since I got up this morning so hopefully it will sound good.  Much love



Papa said...

Tony just called me from up by Engineer mountain. About all he could talk about, though, was how much he is going to miss Kate's good cooking. He wouldn't stop talking about those egg rolls and peach cobbler. I haven't spoken to him in weeks, and all he wants to talk about is how sad his belly will be without Kate's cooking! I love it!

Idgie said...

Kate, my lovely sister figure, everything you do is beautiful...your photography, your music, your writing, you...

Kate Alice said...

Yall are too sweet :)

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