Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Her First Day in the Big School

Hi Sweet Ones,

The day finally came and exceeded expectations. It began early, about 0000 hours while I attempted to configure my printer and Internet. Everything was printed, packed, and ready by 0100 (I know this makes you proud daddy).

This morning at 0600 I rose, coffee-faced myself, and re-reviewed my campus map. At 0715 I began the maiden voyage of walking to the RLM (no idea what that stands for) building, which is located off Dean Keeton about 4-5 blocks from Gualalupe. The first class was Calculus, guided today by the TA. He worked a few of the problems we are expected to turn in on Monday. Next was Contemporary Moral Problems, a class of 200 people. Wowser! We will discuss abortion, the death penalty, sex and marriage, pornography, and hate speech. The following class was American Literature, taught by a seemingly professional and serious professor. We will be reading several works that Kate and I read a few years back, including Cathedral, excerpts of Thoreau's work, and some of Emerson's and Dickinson's pieces. We meet three days a week plus one discussion session a week. Lastly, I had a Biology course, focusing on cellular and molecular biology. This course will be difficult and is being taught by a woman who has her PhD in something relating to native grasses. She talked for a bit today about malaria and sickle cell disease, saying that she will use these two illnesses as examples for biological concepts throughout our course. We do not have a biology discussion group today, so I am done with classwork.

My plan is to go over all notes and syllabi acquired today, as well as read the selection for Friday's literature class. I also need to go to the grocery store desperately. A complete inventory of edible items in my apartment follows: 2 Jello cups, 1/3 container of cranberry juice, 1/2 container of orange juice, filtered water, 1/2 piece raisin toast from a few days ago, approximately 15 wheat crackers, too many Saltines, 5 breakfast bars, one can of tuna, 2 Swedish cookies, coffee, and creamer.

Hugs to all, and Kate, I am so happy for you in finding a place of residence!




Kate Alice said...

Sounds like you're going to be busy this fall! And please honey, buy some real food fast.

Papa said...

Grandtastic. Funderful. Fanazing. I really am quite jealous that you get to study all those subjects that make my own little world spin so happily. Please continue to share every little detail, especially from the biology, philosophy, and literature classes. Native grasses? How cool is that??!! Maybe your professor would like to come hike the wildlife refuge with us.

And Kate is right, some real food does indeed sound like a high priority (I'm sure she is busy buying the same down at City Market.)

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