Thursday, August 26, 2010

Roses, Coffee, and William Bradford

Hi from my 18' x 18' Haven,

I am drinking coffee with yummy creamer while staring at a vase of roses while reading Bradford's "Of Plymouth Plantation" and missing you guys in a good sort of sad while being happy for the current state of being and realizing the only way I can achieve my dreams (and you all yours) is for us to be apart in body, but always together in spirit.

Momma, I hope your day at work was only mildly chaotic and only partially full of interruptions.

Kate, I hope your audition/performance was as phenomenal as you.

Dad, it was good to talk to you this afternoon. I wrote Dr. Madrigal a brief note of support. You may want to give Bradford some helpful hints as to how to speak the English language (or maybe it is I who need the help).



1 comment:

Kate Alice said...

So true my wise sage sister. Missing you as always.

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