Monday, August 30, 2010

Short note from the eldest offspring

Icecream. Dad, I am still working on that 1/2 gallon of White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle and thoroughly enjoying it. The weekend flew by and Monday was Monday. Saturday Momma visited me, and I was excited to have her company and her help in putting together my new desk. The desk is already worn in and is my semi-permanent place of being. Saturday evening Kevin came over for dinner which turned in to a "second-night-in-a-row" cooking fiasco. The product was some delicious steelhead trout fried in olive oil and seasoned with rosemary and dill, accompanied by left-over cauliflower rosemary mashed potatoes, and a lovely little salad. Sunday was spent studying, primarily math/calculus topics, and last night I made the virgin voyage to the Coin Laundry at San Gabriel and 24th. The experience was non-traumatic, and it was interesting to notice the social-equalizing effect a laundromat has. The Lexus drivers and the poor college students all have to wash their clothes at the same place.

Classes today were all enjoyable. I had all of my courses today except chemistry, and my favorite continues to be Contemporary Moral Problems. We spoke today on strong vs. weak moral judgements and the difference between saying something is immoral and that something should be illegal. This is an interesting point when speaking about gay marriage, for instance. Do conservative Christians believe we should ban (or make illegal) gay marriage just because they think it is immoral? Our topic will be abortion until late September. My TA in this class seems very competent and he came with a wealth of facts on abortion to our discussion section today. Calculus got out at five, and at six, I was showered, dinnered, and in a meeting for a pre-med honors group. I was less than impressed and plan on visiting a different pre-med group tomorrow evening.

I wish I could say I had been trying new recipes and walking the streets of Durango barefoot, but I am afraid that I have been happily throwing myself into my new world of studying like crazy, walking a lot, and eating icecream for dinner (and some turkey/cheese/mayonnaise, mom in case you were wondering). I love and miss each of you.


Kate Alice said...

ICE CREAM!!!!!! Babe, you do know how to make me want to hop in the car and go get some myself.

Songofjoy said...

Lovin' the laundromat story. ~ Just so it's not on our main post...Here's a note from a resident chart I read today, "Resident said she was awaiting a military report. Said she wanted to have sex with a man other than her husband." Oh dementia can make me laugh! Another chart note with an error "dx (diagnosis) dementia with beavers" It's supposed to read "dementia with behaviors". After reading that I was sitting at my desk with my front teeth hanging over my lower lip saying "dementia with beavers, dementia with beavers!"

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